The Picture:
She was confident of her beauty, radiant with light
Assured of her radiance she danced in delight,
Her fears of rejection dissipated, the lies in her mind quieted down.
Her eyes shimmered in the night, freed from the sorrow of pity, embarrassment and shame...Joy filled her heart, life was running through her veins, but then came the picture and all would change...
Oh why did she look at the picture? Knowing what would be in store, tears filled the eyes once dancing and shame stole the dance floor...Her heart of joy turned to grief and pain as she realized who was to blame, she was the reason for the suffering, the shame...She consumed with vengance the food instead of pursuing the Word...paralyzed she was now now weeping out of guilt...
Then questions flood to her mind why did others say she was pretty...why did they lie directly to her face? They were not truthful, how could she be anything but ugly?! Hate forms within her soul, expression so deep words cannot express the anguish and depression laden on her chest. Why can't she see what other's see, the beauty from within? Yet no words of affirmation could make her listen to them...The proof is right there just look at the picture, they lied when they said she looked cute...Tantalizing thoughts abound, dissatisfaction all around...The hearts deceit has been unleashed, she is falling to the ground...In desperation calling "Lord help me please" she awaits his voice...
"Beloved the picture is nothing, what I want is your heart...I want you to see the beauty only I can impart. Come to me and listen, find your peace in me, see the wonder of who you are and see you are set free! No longer are you bound to sin rather you are bound to me...Know you are forgiven and there is no condemnation for thee. I have loved you unconditionally and through my Son's blood you belong to me...You are beautiful my daughter I love you as you are, broken and dying I will change you from within...Lift up your eyes towards heaven look deeply in my face and see the love I give you through my intimate grace..."
She sat in silence wondering why the struggle still remained, but then she looked upward and glorified God's name...She worshiped her Father, she knelt before his throne, for God loved her and He called her His own.