Monday, May 22, 2006

I know that you all (my adoring fans) have been waiting with great anticipation for me to blog again... So here I go...
Today has been very warm...Hot really and I am not all that excited for when it gets really hot, but nonetheless it was beautiful today...Anyway I want to announce today has been a mile stone in my life, well maybe it is not as huge of an event as I am making it out to be, but either way it was another first for me...So I have been thinking about this for a while and finally today I took the plunge and got my ears pierced!! It actually didn't hurt all that much, I think it was worse after the fact...


At 23/5/06 10:06 AM, Blogger Matt Mikalatos said...

Wow. I am still waiting to get my ears pierced. When I was a kid, men with pierced ears were immediately tagged as being "gay". But then George Michaels came along and changed all that.

As for weather around here: it's winter again. Raining like crazy and cold.

At 25/5/06 12:47 PM, Blogger Taylor said...

Yay for the pierced ears. Now we just need to get you some hottie hoops.

At 25/5/06 2:23 PM, Blogger John said...

I think pirate hoops would be more suitable for a Rijeka Tiger. We don't need to be causing others to stumble, Taylor. You do remember why we are here. And once a Tiger-Pirate, always a Tiger-Pirate. Keep up the good work, Michelle.


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