Monday, January 09, 2006

Snowball Fight
White flakes of crystal are falling all around, swirling to the ground landing softly creating a beautiful blanket of white. Coldness accompanies the beauty surrounding me, yet I am so captivated that nothing can keep me from it. Therefore I go running out into the field of snow a foot and a half deep. My legs are shocked as the ice touches and stings them. How I whish I had brought my snow pants from home. Still the overwhelming desire to play in the winter wonderland beckons my heart to continue on no matter the discomfort. Others join in the adventure, trudging out.
Suddenly snow is airborne and coming towards my face, the war is on. Oh the joys of childhood, a snowball fight has erupted. All the cares of the world are gone, for a moment nothing matters other than running from the snow soaring across the grey sky. I can hardly pack the snow fast enough to defend myself. Laughter reigns out and shatters the silence of the falling moisture. What pure joy is here and the essence of life as a group of twenty-ish year olds run about enjoying the exquisiteness of God’s remarkable creation.


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